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Intai Saya


Floating online users

Saturday 5 July 2014 @ 06:45 | 0 SweetCandy

Hello People and Assalamualaikum ...

heyyy. . selamat berpuasa dan selamat malam suma. . alhamdulillah, hujan rahmat malam lagi ni. . sejuk sikit tidonya. .kekeke

sebelum tido..bby na bgi tuto ni. .

hah nampak tak gambar diatas tu. .
online user bby. .nak kan. .
Let begin people !  oh ya klo x jdi. .bby mita maaf tau. .

   make sure da akaun free online t. . tak tahu ya. .masuk sini untuk REGISTER dear. . 
  dah buat. .da kan HTML code dy bagi. .copy suma code tu. .
  korang masuk template --> then korang paste code free online user tu dibawah title blog korang ka. .dibawag <head> ka. .tpulang korang. . 

<div style="position: fixed; top: 3px; right:3px;"><div style="margin-left: .1em; margin-right: .1em" class="linkopacity" href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" imageanchor="1"><span style="background-color: #000000; color: #000000; padding: 3px 4px; border: 1px #FFFFFF solid;">
KOD ONLINE USER</span></div></div>
  Jangan pening2 dulu. .
MERAH : code free online user korang
Ungu : Warna background
BIRU : Warna border

  klo nak cm bby tu. .korang bole copy code ni 
<div style="position: static; top:0px; left: 0px; height:6%; width:10%; position:fixed; padding:3px; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiY5ebKeLuLuyJqoX4ot8oiQ448UP5iD5MVklMH9A27Ts9HwivtJy2Yh7qAazGntti9Ev5cKbZH7nA1bcEnENGVi5EwcE05l3jh0hwm2MvEVgL16a6VQC0LqMbwdGWp9GeDNUk7vyaWUZMt/s1600/cuteonlineuser2.png);font-size:13px;">

<center><!-- Start FreeOnlineUsers.com -->
<a href="http://www.freeonlineusers.com">
<font color=#000000><script type="text/javascript" src="http://st2.freeonlineusers.com"> </script> Intai Saya </font></a>
<!-- End FreeOnlineUsers.com --></div>

e** Opppss korang..sebelum tangan korang laju copy. warna biru laut tu, bby punya code. so bila da code korang nanti gantikan dengan code bby tu ya. .

HIJAU : pilihan background korang

  kalau nak. .korang boleh ambil

 Preview dulu. .kalau menjadi. .tunggu pa lagi terus click SAVE!image

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Let's Be Friend !

Hello and Welcome my
montel blogger(s). I just shared what I like and feel.Thanks cause visiting myBlog. .myWorld. .myDairies. . but if you are RIPPERS! , SPAMMERS or HATERS , I will kick you out of my site! other than that... feel free to roam around! If you don't mind, follow this blog and I'll follow back. If you mention me at cbox. .Let Be Friends !! Thank you

>>>get this here <<<

Investigate Here !

Diary About Stuff Link

Sweet To Remember !

30 Januari 2013
sweeet and lovely mylittle !!
You take HIM from me. . I will kill you !! and you die !! ahahaha :)

Big CLAP !

Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : BbyNalin !
